Benefits of cloud-based EPM for FP&A
Unlock the potential of financial planning and analysis. In the digital economy, financial planning and...

Challenge or Opportunity? Take a New Look at Pay
This free payroll transformation guide shares and offers guidance on the key challenges for payroll managers...

The Finance Guide to Excel, Say Goodbye to Spreadsheet Pain…
Excel remains the most widely used analytics tool in the world, however business users continue to be...

A Finance Director's Guide to Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
Planning and budgeting are vital to smart, fact-based business decision-making, but many finance teams...

The Ultimate Guide to Integrated Business Planning
Every business plans, but not every business excels. What separates the thriving businesses from the...

Responding to Crisis: A Public Sector Guide to continuity planning
Before the start of the COVID pandemic, the capabilities of cloud computing and ERP platforms were already...

The Evolving Role of the CDO At Financial Organisations
Over the past several years, the role of the chief data officer (CDO) has evolved from being security-and...

The reputation and value of ERP has deteriorated over time because it's too complex, doesn't meet the...

Protecting your content against cyber threats and data loss
Your business runs on content — but that content is under constant threat, both from malicious hackers...

Plan to Win: Achieving Business Agility in the Age of Urgency
Business agility is now a determining factor for success in today's data-driven, fast-paced world. To...

7 Reasons to Expand E-Signature Usage
7 Reasons to Expand E-Signature Usage Over the last two years, electronic signature usage has exploded....

Data as a Strategic Growth Asset in 2021
In Q1 of 2021, WBR Insights surveyed 100 Chief Data Officers and similar from buy-side and sell-side...
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