MandA in The Era of Business 4.0
Mastering deal making and integration is now a competitive imperative.
At a time of rampant digital disruption, CEOs are under enormous pressure to up their games. Virtually every industry is entering the early innings of major technology-fuelled transformation. Companies, in turn, are tasked with adopting innovative technologies, bring¬ing in tech-savvy talent, entering new markets and overhauling business models. Given the difficulty of delivering such seismic change organically, more and more are recognizing that deal-making capability is an increasing¬ly critical key strategic tool.
The most effective CEOs understand not only the need to embrace innovative processes, systems and business models, but the role MandA can play in accelerating that process.
TCS is guiding many of its customers through Business 4.0 digital transformations—defining value propositions, creating new business models, winning over new customers, and creating exponential growth.
Download not to learn the six steps to succeeding at IT integration and the four primary characteristics of Business 4.0.
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Related Categories: Cloud, CRM, Employees, ERP, IT Services

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